Traditional craftsmanship passed down for centuries.
Accessories that harmonize the traditions of Kofu and Takaoka.
Traditional Coloring Technique
Since the 1600s, Toyama has cultivated ironware and copperware as part of the local industry.
In particular, the unique coloring of copperware in Takaoka has perfected over centuries by incorporating chemical reactions in nature. The patterns and colors that emerge are in high demand even to this day, both domestically and internationally for a variety of uses, including jewelry and architecture.
Jewelry Craftmanship
Since the 1800’s, we have cultivated the jewelry industry in Yamanashi by producing ornaments, hairpins, sculptures, and necklaces. Initially starting from crystal cutting, the industry has evolved by combining various craftsmanships into the jewelry over the centuries.
Currently, Yamanashi is a major site for creating jewelry, producing over a third of the jewelry made in Japan.